25 Years of experience

Cutting edge technology for methane reduction.



Methane Mitigation: Leading the Charge in Rapid Climate Action

The global warming potential (GWP) is a measure that compares the ability of a gas to retain heat in the atmosphere in relation to carbon dioxide (CO2), whose GWP is equal to 1. The higher the GWP of a gas, the more powerful it will be as a greenhouse gas.

Methane, with one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms (CH4), has a GWP of 84 over a 20-year period.

Thus, in terms of short-term global warming potential, methane is much more harmful than carbon dioxide.

To combat climate change, reducing methane is crucial in the short-term mitigation strategy."



Great Experience, Production-Oriented with Sustainable Vision

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  • Reliability

    Dependable system ensuring continuous energy generation.

  • Innovation

    Pioneering suitable incinerators for superior combustion performance.

  • Smart Technology

    Advanced AI technology to monitor and mitigate methane efficiently.

Energy Cogeneration
Maximizing Sustainable Potential

In our quest for innovative and sustainable solutions, we are pleased to present our energy cogeneration approach. This technology allows us not only to responsibly eliminate methane or other by-products generated by industrial processes but also to transform them into valuable thermal, electrical, or mechanical energy sources.

Discover how we are leading the way towards a cleaner and more efficient future.

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Efficient Energy Use

Utilizing residual heat to generate electricity or other forms of energy significantly increases our process efficiency, reducing reliance on conventional and more expensive energy sources.

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Energy Self-Sufficiency

By generating our own energy, we become less dependent on the conventional electrical grid, increasing our operational resilience and stability.

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Emission Reduction

Decomposing methane into CO2 and water vapor while capturing the heat generated during incineration actively contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change.

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Environmental Responsibility

Investing in cogeneration technologies demonstrates our commitment to sustainability and environmental respect, positioning us as leaders in our sector.

RECO is recognized as a global authority in advancing 'Smart Industry' through cutting-edge methane mitigation technology and strategic investment.

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